Random Thoughts {SNOW, Movie Night, Best Friends, Michelle Obama, Children’s Book}

This is seriously the current weather forecast where I live:

INSANE.  It’s so cold.  I accidentally left a peach in my husband’s car and when I went to retrieve it, it had completely frozen.  As in, icicles were dangling from it.  Ridiculous.

Needless to say, both of my children are home with me today.  Both of their schools are closed and I have a feeling there may be more snow days in their future throughout this week!

How was your weekend?  Mine was lovely.

Friday night was family movie night which included pizza, pajamas, robes, and Harry and the Hendersons (my daughter’s pick.  The 4 of us rotate who gets to choose the movie each time).  It was perfection.  Movie nights will become one of my cherished memories of my kids’ childhoods when they are older, I already know it. 🙂

Saturday night my 4 best friends (we call ourselves the Goats…it’s been our nickname since college) and I celebrated a double Goat birthday!  Amy and Beth have birthdays 10 days apart so we always celebrate them together.  We had reservations at a delicious restaurant downtown but once we started driving, the snow started coming.  We quickly realized that the same restaurant recently opened a location much closer to us!  Same restaurant, same delicious food, much better snowy commute.

The birthday girls!

As always, our dinner was spent laughing, telling stories, and allowing new inside jokes  to make their way into our friendship.  I just love these girls so much!

My beautiful best friends and I:

Yesterday Jon, the kids, and I went out for a lovely Sunday morning breakfast and then did the usual pre snow preparations along with everyone else in this town:  Costco and the grocery store.  The grocery store was so crowded…there were no carts!  Trying to get turkey at the deli counter was truly every man for himself.  We got everything needed for a snowy week at home.

People here always go nuts right before a big storm and with good reason:

I’m currently reading this book (affiliate) and the jury is still out on my feelings about it.  I posted a few stories on Instagram asking if I was the only one not absolutely LOVING this book and I was overwhelmed by the responses of people who agree with me???  I thought for sure that I would be the only one who feels this way but it turns out that I am not alone.  Have you read it???  I’ll do a full review once I finish reading.

And lastly…a cute story about my daughter.

When my husband and I confirmed that we were pregnant with our daughter, she was the size of a poppy seed.  We called her Poppy throughout my entire pregnancy!  I saw this picture in a store a few years ago and had to buy it, it now hangs in our kitchen:

For my birthday this year, one of the gifts that she gave me was this book because it had the word Poppy in the title (she loves when we talk about when she was Poppy)!

She bought it and gave it to me with the intention of her and I reading it together 🙂  How sweet is that?!  We read chapter 1 last night, it’s cute so far!  Excited to read chapter 2 with her tonight.

I loved writing this post and sharing little bits of my life with you today…I hope you enjoyed reading it! 🙂

Stay warm, local friends….Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr….



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Local friends, I run a storytime every Tuesday and Friday at Whimsy Cafe in Buffalo Grove, Illinois from 10:00-10:45! Bring your kids (6 months-5 years) for stories, songs, and lots of fun. Price is included in your child’s admission, no need to sign up. If you are a blog reader, please be sure to introduce yourself!  I can’t wait to meet you and your little ones. 🙂

9 thoughts on “Random Thoughts {SNOW, Movie Night, Best Friends, Michelle Obama, Children’s Book}

  1. I LOVE this post!!! Loved our dinner celebrating Saturday night, loved the pictures, love having a snow day too, and loved reading about Poppy!!💕 I watched your video on Instagram about Becoming Michelle. Keep me (us) posted on that. I hope it gets better because I still would like to read it, too! ❤️ Beautiful post today!! xoxo


  2. I saw your IG about the book Becoming and I’m so sad. I haven’t read it yet and now I’m nervous to start because I’m afraid I won’t like it much either. I can’t wait to hear your full thoughts on it, and in the meantime, I’ll have to start it. And I’m so glad the four of you had a great time celebrating Amy and Beth!


  3. I have plans to read the book you’re concerned about, and will let you know what I think either way.
    Glad you have such great friends around.
    Hope you are staying warm!


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