Book Review: How To Find Love In A Bookshop {Veronica Henry}

This book was sitting on a shelf at the library with the front cover facing outward. I walked past, saw the title, and that alone was enough to make me want to read more! A title which contains both the words love AND bookshop?!  Sign me up!  I’d never heard of this book or of this author…but I was intrigued enough to take it home with me and I’m so glad that I did.  I read it and now I have so many thoughts.  There were definitely parts of it that I LOVED…aaaaaaaand then there were parts of it that I didn’t.

Synopsis from Goodreads:

The enchanting story of a bookshop, its grieving owner, a supportive literary community, and the extraordinary power of books to heal the heart

Nightingale Books, nestled on the main street in an idyllic little village, is a dream come true for book lovers–a cozy haven and welcoming getaway for the literary-minded locals. But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open after her beloved father’s death, and the temptation to sell is getting stronger. The property developers are circling, yet Emilia’s loyal customers have become like family, and she can’t imagine breaking the promise she made to her father to keep the store alive.

There’s Sarah, owner of the stately Peasebrook Manor, who has used the bookshop as an escape in the past few years, but it now seems there’s a very specific reason for all those frequent visits. Next is roguish Jackson, who, after making a complete mess of his marriage, now looks to Emilia for advice on books for the son he misses so much. And the forever shy Thomasina, who runs a pop-up restaurant for two in her tiny cottage–she has a crush on a man she met in the cookbook section, but can hardly dream of working up the courage to admit her true feelings.

Enter the world of Nightingale Books for a serving of romance, long-held secrets, and unexpected hopes for the future–and not just within the pages on the shelves. How to Find Love in a Bookshop is the delightful story of Emilia, the unforgettable cast of customers whose lives she has touched, and the books they all cherish.

My Thoughts:

(Disclaimer: I will never post spoilers in my reviews HOWEVER the comment section is completely fair game to discuss any and all specifics including spoilers)

3.5 Stars

I’m conflicted with my review of this book.  I loved it…truly!  I thought it was sweet, charming, heartwarming, and lovely.

But I just never felt like picking it up to read it.  Ever.

In all fairness, I started reading this book as soon as I finished this one.  Now THAT book was one that I couldn’t put down and I read it over the course of a few days.  The genres of these 2 books are so completely different but it’s hard to dive right into a book like this one after just finishing a book like that one.  I usually love switching genres before starting a new read but I think this might have just been too great of a switch.  Does that make sense?  Has this ever happened to you?

Of course this lovely book wasn’t suspenseful…it wasn’t supposed to be!  But after just finishing one which quite literally had me on the edge of my seat, this one just felt…a bit…too calm.

The sheer amount of characters in this book were insane.  There were WAY too many characters, WAY too many story lines, and WAY too much jumping around from one to the other!  Just as I was really starting to fall into a story line, the story lines would change and honestly many of them were predictable and unrealistic.  I also didn’t love the endings of more than 1 story line.


Despite my issues with this book, it truly is a gem. It’s sweet, touching, and overall just lovely. I teared up quite a few times while reading!

Nightingale Books sounds so charming! If that store were in my neighborhood I would be in there everyday. If you are a book lover like I am, hearing all about Nightingale Books will be your favorite part of this book.  In fact, the entire town of Peasebrook sounds just lovely!  I Googled it and learned that it’s not a real town.  I wish it were, I would so love to visit such a cute and special little corner of the world. 🙂

If you are looking for an easy, lighthearted book…this is a good one!

I truly wonder if my review would have been different had I not just finished such an intense psychological thriller right before I picked this one up?

Bottom Line:

It’s got some issues…but overall I truly did enjoy it!  Also, any book which focuses on an charming independent bookstore is absolutely a book worth reading.



Did you read this book?  What did you think?  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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Books I’m Bringing On My Vacation!

Sometimes the term “type A” isn’t even enough to describe me.

I like organization.  I like being in control.  I like having a plan.

So when it comes to packing my family for a vacation….BRING.  IT.  ON.

I set up card tables weeks in advance.  I make lists and lists and lists.  I shop online, I shop in stores.  I meticulously plan what everyone will wear, anticipate what each of us will need, and carefully plan how I will organize everything into the suitcases.  When it comes to packing, I’m pretty much an expert.  If I do say so myself…

I have been like this for as long as I can remember and I love this part of me.  Exhausting?  Absolutely.  Stressed out?  Absolutely.  BUT the control lover in me simply thrives in situations like this.  My family will benefit from all of my hard work and I’ll feel proud when we are there with everything we could possibly need (and more.  Always so much more.  Still working on this…)

We are leaving for Disney World soon and we are READY!  The fake wooden card tables have been set up for weeks divided into sections by person (clothing, airplane, other).  TYPE.  A.

One thing that fits into the “other” category is my stack of books that I will be bringing along.

I recently posted a story on Instagram (Do you follow Book Coffee Happy on Instagram? Between creating posts and creating stories, I post something daily over there and would love for you to follow along on that platform as well!) about needing to return to the library because I already read 2 of the books from my vacation stack…oops.  They just looked so good!  And they totally were (this book and this book)!

So back to the library I went…and I now have a delightful stack of books to bring with me to the Happiest Place on Earth:

A perfect mix of psychological thrillers and “lighter” reads.  I started Sometimes I Lie a few months ago and never finished it…time to reread it from the beginning because I’ve heard it’s GREAT!  Then She Was Gone was recommended by a few people on the Book Coffee Happy Facebook page (a big thanks to those who recommended it to me, it sounds great!).  I have been wanting to read Dumplin’ and it’s sequel Puddin’ for months (Dumplin’ was on my list of books to read in 2019).  How to Find Love in a Book Shop is a book I’ve never even heard of but of course the title caught my eye and it sounds adorable!

**You can read more on my method of carefully selecting books to bring on my vacations here.  And no…there is NO WAY I will actually be able to read all of these books on this particular vacation (see above link for more details on this) **

My plan is to start Dumplin’ a few days before we leave and just go from there…

We can’t WAIT to meet you, Mickey Mouse!



Have you read any of these books?  What did you think?  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below but ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS PLEASE!

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Local friends, I run a storytime every Tuesday and Friday at Whimsy Cafe in Buffalo Grove, Illinois from 10:00-10:30! Bring your kids (6 months-5 years) for stories, songs, and lots of fun. Price is included in your child’s admission, no need to sign up. If you are a blog reader, please be sure to introduce yourself!  I can’t wait to meet you and your little ones. 🙂

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