My #1 Must Have Book Accessory

I am a true minimalist and hate owning unnecessary items (don’t even get me started on the baby industry and how many unnecessary things parents feel they need to own to care for their babies. So ridiculous).

When it comes to reading, I truly feel there are only 4 things one NEEDS to have to achieve the perfect reading experience.

1. A book (obvi)

2. A delicious cup of coffee

3. A delicious smelling candle



Thank God for booklights.

At the end of a long day, relaxing in bed with a book is the perfect activity.  Reading calms me and helps to pave the way for a peaceful night of sleep.  Unfortunately, I am married to someone who cannot fall asleep with the light on (lame) and so booklights are an absolute necessity for me.

I am often the first person awake in my house long before the sun rises (yup…I’m often the last one to fall asleep and the first one to rise over here). Nothing better than waking up and reading a few chapters before the craziness of the day begins. Booklight to the rescue!

Whenever I go on vacation, my trusty booklight is high on my list of items to pack. I could never travel without it (apparently unless my destination is here where relaxing with a book is virtually impossible).  Late at night or first thing in the morning reading in the same hotel room as my sleeping family? Booklight for the win!

Here is my old, broken, and yet completely perfect and lovely booklight:

(Slooooowly still making my way through How to Find Love in a Bookshop.  My full review will be posted when I finally finish)!

The backing has long since broken off and the entire thing is currently being held together by painters tape. Adds to her charm 🙂

The one I have has led lights which are both a blessing and a curse. This baby is BRIGHT. As in, if it’s mistaking pointed at my sleeping husband he is immediately woken up (and momentarily blinded. Oops). It can truly light up our entire bedroom which is crazy…and yet amazing!

I bought mine on Amazon many years ago and it came in a pack of 4. I’m not sure why anybody would need 4 booklights and I gladly gave 2 of them away to 2 fellow bookloving friends of mine (Hi Julie and Beth!). I don’t believe the exact ones I bought are still available but here is one that looks awesome (AND you can apparently adjust the brightness level so you won’t momentarily blind your spouse!  Sorry Jon…)

Do you read with a booklight? 

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Be sure to check the blog on Wednesday…I’ve got a super fun (and different) giveaway for you!



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Click the image below to order this booklight through my Amazon affiliate link.  When you order through this link, I receive a tiny commission. Thank you for your support, Xo


10 thoughts on “My #1 Must Have Book Accessory

  1. I recently bought a booklight and I think I’ve used it once. I got it for those before bed reads so I don’t have to use the lamp. It’s really cool! You are supposed to wear it around your neck. I just wrapped it and propped it around my headboard. But like yours, the light is very bright. It has 3 settings and after awhile using it on the lowest, it hurts my eyes. So the lamp wins.
    I took a picture to show but I can’t figure out how to post the picture on this comment!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I did on occasion read with a book light. But since becoming a mom, I can’t stay up too late anymore and there is no need for a book light! I am asleep way before my husband now. Maybe one day, I’ll go to bed later and will need to use it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. My husband surprised me with a book light a few months back because I had been saying a really needed one. I’m pretty sure the one you listed is the one he got me. It works fine but the light is yellowish which I’m not a fan of.


  4. I’ve been thinking about getting a book light, and this one looks like it would fit the bill quite nicely. I have a perfect bedside lamp for being at home, but frequently wish I had one when we are in our camper or on a trip. Anyway, I just have to say that the last picture on Amazon’s listing completely cracked me up – all the rest are just of the light, and explaining how it works, and then the last one – it appears they photoshopped their book light into a picture of a mom and daughter decorating Easter eggs?!?! I can’t stop laughing at it.

    Thanks for the link, though. And I read the comment from the person above who said they didn’t like the yellow light, but since I actually prefer the softer, yellow light, I think that will be perfect!


  5. I don’t have a book light for my books, but my Kobo has the white light and night time mode and it can be used as a flashlight at night. Which has come in handy when the power goes out cause I don’t keep my flashlight in my bedroom. I SHOULD, but it’s on my desk in my living room.

    Does that count still? 😀


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