**INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S BOOK GIVEAWAY (5 copies)** Mia and Nattie: One Great Team {Marlene M. Bell}

*INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S BOOK GIVEAWAY (5 copies)* Mia and Nattie: One Great Team {Marlene M. Bell}

Oh I’m SO excited about today’s giveaway! This gorgeous book is so, so special and I have 5 signed copies (and each book will come with a character plushie) to give away!

Goodreads Synopsis of Mia and Nattie: One Great Team {Marlene M. Bell}:

Nattie’s mouth was a little crooked. Her legs were a bit shorter than usual, and one horn was too straight, like a unicorn’s horn. But Mia thought Nattie was perfect.

In a read-aloud picture book for children who love animals, award-winning writer and sheep breeder Marlene M. Bell presents Nattie the lamb’s true story. MIA AND NATTIE is a heartwarming book that teaches readers about problem-solving, teamwork, and love.

On a visit to her grandma’s farm, eight-year-old Mia discovers a newborn, orphaned lamb outside in the cold and takes her to the laundry room, naming her Nattie. As she tries to nurse the lamb back to health, Mia discovers that Nattie is different from the other lambs and struggles to fit in with them like Mia does with other kids her age.

When her grandmother says she will sell Nattie to a neighbor, Mia must come up with a plan to keep her friend around—one that will show the family just how special Nattie truly is. 

My Thoughts on Mia and Nattie: One Great Team {Marlene M. Bell}:

When my husband walked into our kitchen and handed me the package that had come in the mail that day, I eagerly ripped it open and pulled out this beautiful book! BOTH of my kids immediately grabbed it from my hands and asked me to read it with them. I think this book might hold the record for length of time it took me from receiving it to reading it…I legitimately started reading this book within 10 seconds of me opening it’s package 🙂

With each turn of the page, my kids and I fell more and more in love with this beautiful story.

This is a story of friendship, inclusivity, and confidence. This is a story of not giving up on friends, and believing in the power of helpfulness. This is a BEAUTIFUL story. I had tears in my eyes as I was reading this aloud to my kids and it led to a really powerful discussion once we had turned the last page.

Although Nattie wasn’t perfect, she was an important member of this farm with an important job. Mia was able to see right through her flaws and found her the most perfect job of all. Just as Nattie didn’t seem to fit in with the other sheep on the farm, Mia didn’t seem to fit in with the other children of her age. Together they were able to find a way of fitting in and realizing the importance each had and the gifts each possessed. What a powerful life lesson. I truly love this book so much 🙂

The pictures in this book are STUNNING. Look at how adorable and colorful these pictures are! As we were reading, both of my children commented on how cute the pictures were. Here are a few of our favorites:

Here is a trailer of the book straight from the author’s website:

So beautiful, right???

I have corresponded with MANY authors over the years and I must say that Marlene M. Bell is LOVELY. She’s so kind and so generous. I adore her book and knowing what a wonderful person the author is makes me adore her beautiful book even more 🙂 I’m so happy to be able to share this wonderful book with you today.

Each book that I’m giving away today will be signed by Marlene Bell 🙂

A Conversation with Marlene M. Bell, in her own words:

What ages would be the ideal readers for your book?

That will depend upon if the youngster is reading the book alone, or if someone is reading to them out loud. Ages 4 to 8 is the most Ideal for reading Mia and Nattie without an adult to answer questions.

How did you create the idea for your book?

The idea for the picture book came naturally because Natalie used to be our nanny and babysit the bottle lambs we had each lambing season. She fell into the job by accident. Natalie was alone because she was too small to run with the other sheep. Because lambs like to pal around with others, I didn’t worry about the bottle lambs who had lost their mothers being alone outdoors when I couldn’t be there. Natalie (Nattie in the book,) was alone too, so she also liked to stay close to the baby lambs. She acted like their mom when I wasn’t around. It was a good arrangement for everyone!

What life lessons do you hope children (and adults!) will take away from Mia and Nattie?

No matter how small or different we are from each other, we all have our own special gifts and belong together. Love without limits and receive love in return.

Where can your book be purchased?

Mia and Nattie is available in hardbound book as well as eBook on Amazon    https://www.amazon.com/Mia-Nattie-One-Great-Team-ebook/dp/B08KPL6JKB

Signed copies of the hardbound book are also available on the author’s sheep gifts website at: https://www.texassheep.com/index.php/gift-shop/product/mia-and-nattie-one-great-team

A Nattie Character Plushie is also available on the author website page direct:  https://www.marlenembell.com/books/title/mia-and-nattie-one-great-team

Any additional information that you would like to provide about you or your book:

In 2022, I’ll be working on the sequel to Mia and Nattie: One Great Team. Nattie will help her Texas friend, Zane the nine-banded armadillo find something he’s lost.


Would you like to win a signed copy of Mia and Nattie: One Great Team? I have 5 signed copies (AND each book will come with a character plushie) OR electronic copies to give away (your choice)!  This giveaway is open to US as well as international readers 🙂

To be entered, just leave a comment below (on this blog post)!  Your comment can be about anything!

**You must comment below to be eligible for the giveaway and you must comment here on this blog post (not on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)**

Giveaway will close tomorrow (2/8/22) at 6:00 pm CDT and the 5 winners will be randomly chosen and announced here on my blog on Wednesday (2/9/22).

I will post a video here on Wednesday of me choosing the winners!

Good luck!  Can’t wait to read your comments!



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The 13 best books I read in 2021 can be found HERE

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29 thoughts on “**INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S BOOK GIVEAWAY (5 copies)** Mia and Nattie: One Great Team {Marlene M. Bell}

  1. I’ve been doing a lot of reading with my 8yo daughter on real subjects lately. We’ve been loving the Little Golden Books about Dolly Parton, RBG and Frida Kahlo. I truly think she’d love this book, especially because we are both involved with a local farm sanctuary and ‘adopt’ a goat each year.


  2. Wow! How kind you are, Jenny. Mia and Nattie:One Great Team… Such a glowing review, and with pictures, too! I hope your visitors are captivated when reading about Natalie, and she melts your hearts like she did for us. Good Luck to everyone in this special giveaway!! Marlene


  3. I love the trailer, the pictures and the message. It teaches children and adults that every animal or person is not perfect, and we can help each other. I would love to give it to my niece’s daughter, who is just about 3 years old. Her name is River and she has Autism. She doesn’t talk, which causes much frustration when she is trying to communicate. I would love to read and review before giving it to her. Thank you for the chance. 🐑


  4. Hello from New Zealand This would be a wonderful gift for my friend who is currently caring for great grand children , together with her son-in -law

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I would love to read this book to my grandchildren. It has such a great message. I have some special needs people in my family and it’s so important to me to teach the kids that everyone has great worth.


  6. This sounds like a very cute book, thanks to Melissa Amster for pointing me to this blog.
    We live in the Netherlands but I regularly read English books for my kids. We love all animals and definitely have a soft spot for those who are just a little bit different. So we’d definitely love to read this!


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