Blogmas 2022: The Bookish Gift I Bought For Myself

Blogmas 2022: The Bookish Gift I Bought For Myself

Do you remember last year when I took myself on a trip to Barnes and Noble on my birthday and saw so many cute holiday bookish items (you can read about that lovely day HERE)?

The mug. The mug. I should have bought the MUG. I rarely have buyers remorse but I’m not exaggerating when I say that I have been thinking about that mug for a solid YEAR. It was so beautiful and perfect. The books, the tree, the gold handle….why didn’t I buy it that day?! Well as I stated in that post, I thought it was too “Christmasy” (I’m Jewish). BUUUUUUT now a year later I own a Christmas Village (if you follow me on Instagram you know alllll about my little village) so a holiday themed mug just seems fitting. And perfect.

So last month I went BACK to Barnes and Noble in search of my beautiful mug but alas…it was gone. Replaced by some newer holiday items (some amazing!) but none as amazing and special as the beautiful 2021 mug. A manager confirmed it…no more 2021 holiday mugs. Sigh.

When I got back into my car, I tried Amazon. Nope.

And then…

The Barnes and Noble website.

Sure enough, a quick search led me straight to my beautiful 2021 holiday mug! Within 2 minutes, it was purchased (happily paid shipping!) and on it’s way to meeeeeeee!

The Bookish Gift I Bought For Myself

A few days later and my beautiful birthday present to myself arrived on my front porch.

She’s heeeeeeere!
Oh hello lover. You and I are going to be spending LOTS of quality time together!

If you are looking for an adorable gift for a book lover, HERE is a link to my mug (not an affiliate link)!

I freaking love this mug so much! Totally meant to be mine. Happy Birthday to meeeeeee! Speaking of birthdays, here is a video of me choosing the winner from my birthday Target gift card giveaway:

***EDITED TO ADD*** Ahhhh I’m not sure how this happened but a bunch of names were left off of that giveaway!  UGH! I had already sent the gift card to the winner…so I just added the missing names and picked another winner!  Here are the TWO videos of me choosing 2 winners.  In the spirit of the holiday season (and my mistake), I’m happy to do this to make it fair for everyone who entered.  I’m so sorry!  Xo!***

Winner #1:

Winner #2:

Blogmas 2022 Posts:

12/1 Welcome to Blogmas 2022 {Video)!!

12/2 BLOGMAS 2022: Happy Birthday to ME {Target Gift Card Giveaway}

12/3 Blogmas 2022: Book Review: The Holiday Swap {Maggie Knox}



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The 13 best books I read in 2021 can be found HERE

Book Coffee Happy’s 12 most viewed posts of 2021 can be found HERE

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10 thoughts on “Blogmas 2022: The Bookish Gift I Bought For Myself

  1. HiJenny! I am loving your Blogmas. I love the coffee mug, sogkadyoufound it. I’m considering purchasing one myself. I wasn’t sure if I should reach out and let you know I did comment on the blog for the giveaway but didn’t see my name on the spinner wheel. It’s ok just thought maybe others names may have been missed a glitch of some sort but then again I may have commented on the wrong blog 😁Anyway thankful for the reviews you give! Kelley

    Sent from my iPad


    1. Omggggg I just went back and checked…somehow a bunch of names got cut off when I checked the comments?!? This has never happened before in all of the giveaways I’ve done! Ugh! I must fix this, it’s not fair that some of you never even got a chance. Filming a new video right now…in the spirit of the holiday season, I’ll happily give another $20 gift card 🙂 Stay tuned, I’ll post it asap…ugh! So glad you told me!


      1. I just added a new video to my post choosing a 2nd winner! THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know about this…I’m not sure how this happened but I’m so happy that I could make it right!


  2. I love your mug! It is so you! Also thank you for the target gift card! I am so excited that I won! My love to you and your awesome family! Thanks again!


    1. Yes a bunch of names got cut off, ugh. I added them, spun again, and sent another gift card to someone else in addition to the 1st winner! I posted both videos of me choosing the 2 winners 🙂


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