Audiobook Review: Do Not Disturb {Freida McFadden}

Audiobook Review: Do Not Disturb {Freida McFadden}

Crumbl Cookies, you have my heart.

Hiiiii! How are you? I have been on such an audiobook kick lately! I listened to this one a few weeks ago over the course of a few days. This is my 2nd Freida Mcfadden book. You can read my review (and book synopsis) of The Surrogate Mother HERE.

Photo Credit: Amazon

Goodreads Synopsis of Do Not Disturb {Freida McFadden}:

Quinn Alexander has committed an unthinkable crime.

To avoid spending her life in prison, Quinn makes a run for it. She leaves behind her home, her job, and her family. She grabs her passport and heads for the northern border before the police can discover what she’s done.

But when an unexpected snowstorm forces her off the road, Quinn must take refuge at the broken-down, isolated Baxter Motel. The handsome and kindly owner, Nick Baxter, is only too happy to offer her a cheap room for the night.

Unfortunately, the Baxter Motel isn’t the quiet, safe haven it seemed to be. The motel has a dark and disturbing past. And in the dilapidated house across the way, the silhouette of Nick’s ailing wife is always at the window. Always watching.

In the morning, Quinn must leave the motel. She’ll pack up her belongings and get back on the road to freedom.

But first, she must survive the night.

My Review of Do Not Disturb {Freida McFadden}:

I appreciate the writing…so many different storylines and so many characters all weaved together.

The actual story? Eh. I wasn’t nearly as invested in it as I should have been. An easy listen but one I most definitely wasn’t racing to listen to at every chance I got. I kept waiting for it to get better but it just never did. Fell flat for me. And while my predictions did keep changing as I read, I found one major part of the ending to be pretty predictable. Eh.

As an audiobook? Another eh. I hated Nick’s voice.

Book Coffee Happy Epilogue:

I would skip this one. It’s fine…but there are way better audiobooks out there!

Have you read this book? What did you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!



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Click HERE for the 13 best books I read in 2022

Book Coffee Happy’s most viewed posts of 2022 can be found HERE

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WWW#5…On A Tuesday {Book Coffee Happy}

I love when Book Coffee Happy is able to participate in WWW!  Thanks so much to Sam from Taking on a World of Words  for hosting this fun weekly post!  Technically this is supposed to be posted on Wednesday but tomorrow I have: a Zoom PTO Presidents meeting, my daughter has a Zoom Show and Tell with her class, e-learning for both kids, AND a virtual Passover Seder with my family!  Hence the Tuesday WWW post 🙂

The Three W’s are:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

Jo Sparkes sent me a copy of her newest book and I am 100 pages in.  It’s so different than the books I usually read and I’m learning so much!  I’ll have a full blog review (and giveaway!) posted once I’m finished.  In the meantime, check out this gorgeous cover:

Synopsis from Goodreads:

On a Caribbean dive vacation, five friends discover a centuries old shipwreck – and a karmic debt past due.
Wall Eddington has always done the correct thing. It’s part of being British, part of family tradition. Yet somehow someone drowned.
Now, half a world away, he’s diving off an old sailboat with four American friends. As a vacation it’s a bit primitive, but just what his soul craves.
Until they find a shipwreck.

Untouched and impossibly preserved, the thing bewitches with promises of gold. Their rush to claim it bogs down with odd accidents and petty arguments – and Wall is not the only one with dark dreams of pain and torture. Dreams of a captain called Sadico.
In fleeing his personal demon, Wall has run straight to its lair.
This trap was laid centuries ago, for five souls moved on to new lives and new loves. Set by the one soul they left behind.

What did you recently finish reading?

I recently finished reading this one!  You can read the book synopsis as well as my full review HERE.

What do you think you’ll read next?

One of my beautiful best friends dropped this book off on my porch 2 weeks ago.  She had recently finished reading it and thought I would love it!  My kids and I sat on our living room couch and waved to her though the window as she placed it on my porch.  Social distancing is so sad and so hard during times like that, ugh.

Synopsis From Goodreads:

Be careful who you let in.

Soon after her twenty-fifth birthday, Libby Jones returns home from work to find the letter she’s been waiting for her entire life. She rips it open with one driving thought: I am finally going to know who I am.

She soon learns not only the identity of her birth parents, but also that she is the sole inheritor of their abandoned mansion on the banks of the Thames in London’s fashionable Chelsea neighborhood, worth millions. Everything in Libby’s life is about to change. But what she can’t possibly know is that others have been waiting for this day as well—and she is on a collision course to meet them.

Twenty-five years ago, police were called to 16 Cheyne Walk with reports of a baby crying. When they arrived, they found a healthy ten-month-old happily cooing in her crib in the bedroom. Downstairs in the kitchen lay three dead bodies, all dressed in black, next to a hastily scrawled note. And the four other children reported to live at Cheyne Walk were gone.

Happy Passover to all who are celebrating!  

What are you currently reading?  I’d love to hear in the comments below!



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The ultimate list of my top book suggestions can be found HERE

Book Blogging During a Quarantine

Omg you guys loved my last post!  I’m so glad!  That post is now officially one of the most viewed posts ever on this book blog! 🙂 I really hopes it helps those of you looking for a good book to read during this quarantined time at home.  I’d love to hear which ones you read!

As for us, we are doing ok here and social distancing from the outside world. Homeschooling, playing outside, READING, and spending time as a family.  This quarantine is scary…I now officially have 2 friends who have been diagnosed with COVID-19.  Our family is staying HOME and I hope you and your family are as well.  As of now, the return date for school is May 4 but I truly don’t think that the kids will be going back this school year.  Crazy.

My view from this morning.  My daughter was working on a self guided coding lesson for one of her school assignments today (super cool) so I had a bit of time to start working on this post!

And my current blogging situation.  Blogging under an umbrella (so I can see my computer under the sun) while sitting on my hammock as my kids are jumping on their trampoline.  It’s a GORGEOUS day here today!  Feels so wonderful to be outside. Our current plan is to stay out here as long as possible!

In other news, a few days ago my children set up a “library” on their bunk bed where they laid out books and I had to come and “check them out”.  Once I made my selection, my daughter typed my name and the book title on her computer, handed the book to my son, and he was in charge of “swiping” my library card.  They LOVED doing this and obviously I was proud that of all of the places, they created a library.My library card:

I’m currently reading this book, I’ll have a full blog review up when I finish!  This was one that I had never heard of but I spotted it on the library shelf and it caught my eye.  I love when that happens!

Aaaaaaaand this has nothing to do with books but TIGER KING.  Have you watched???  My husband and I watched all of them over 3 days.  It’s crazy and unbelievable and insane and weird and totally messed up and AWESOME.  Thank you Netflix for releasing this gem at the most perfect time!

Stay safe everyone…



What are you currently been reading?  Have you watched Tiger King?

Click the image below to order the book through my Amazon affiliate link.  When you order through this link, I receive a tiny commission. Thank you for your support, Xo

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Books, Books, Books!

As the delicious smell of Twisted Peppermint fills my living room, I have so many book related updates to blog about and share with you!

Last October, I was invited to attend a Midwest Writers Association meeting.  The discussion topic was “expressing your passion” and how a writer discovers and applies that passion into his/her writing.  It was such a wonderful experience (You can read about that night here). A few weeks ago, I was once again invited to attend one of their meetings as the topic of this particular meeting was blogging and using blogs to promote yourself.  I felt so honored to be included and I loved being able to share some of the knowledge that I’ve gained through writing my blog. 

The meeting was held at a local independent bookstore.  Oh how I just love local independent bookstores!

We met in their beautiful event room and I loved spending the morning in the company of such wonderful authors, bloggers, and writers.  Thank you so much for including me, Midwest Writers Association!  You can read more about this lovely group of people here.

Do you remember a few months ago when I happily took a few books from our local library book stand at one of our community buildings?  My kids and I were there dropping something off last week and of course we spent a long time looking through the current selection.

Unfortunately none of the adult books called to me so I didn’t take any for myself.  My kids, however, got some great books!

I told my kids that they were each allowed to choose 1 item.  My son chose a frog book and my daughter chose a brand new (factory sealed!) math bingo game.  I was DELIGHTED to find the first book in the Little House series for my daughter!  Oh how I LOVED this series, I can’t wait for her to read them.  I also grabbed The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby for her since it is written by the same author as her current book series obsession: Dogman!

If you follow me onInstagram, you saw that I found this classic at a Little Free Library a few days ago! I happily added this along with the Little House book to the box of classic books I’m collecting for when my daughter is a bit older.  Love.

Present for my Niece’s 10th Birthday:

She loved them. 🙂

As for me, I’m currently reading this book:

The release date isn’t until January and I feel extraordinarily lucky that I was able to receive an Advance Reader’s Copy.  I absolutely love Mary Kubica.  While you are waiting for The Other Mrs. to be released, I strongly recommend reading this one.   SO, SO GOOD. 

Check out these 2 gorgeous childrens books that have recently been sent to me. I can’t wait to read these with my kids! Full blog reviews (and giveaways!) coming to the blog soon!

And lastly, my daughter was in a play last week (she was awesome and I cried) and here are the flowers I bought for her.  They are full of glitter because she’s 7 and there’s not much cooler to a 7 year old than a bouquet of all glitter flowers.  #momwin

What are you (or your children) currently reading?  Please share in the comments below!



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Book Rut: The 2nd Book In A Row That I Haven’t Finished

There is nothing worse than being in a book rut.  When you read book after book IN A ROW and neither of them pull you in and are both just kind of blah.  Welcome to the current state of my life.  I HATE when this happens.  First there was this book.  And now…this one.  Book rut.  The worst.  I need to get OUT of this asap!  Someone please give me a great book suggestion that you KNOW will save me.  I cannot read a 3rd book in a row without finishing.

*Wordpress doesn’t allow emojis but if they did…Insert poop emoji here*

A few months ago, I stumbled upon the Indian Trails Public Library’s #givereading table located in a local community building (you can read more about my experience HERE).  I loved the idea of the program and was so excited to handpick a book to bring home with me.

After carefully looking though all of the books, I selected this one.  I had never heard of it but had heard such great things about Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows and this was written by the same author!

Fun fact about me: Since I have been a little girl, I have always been particularly drawn to learning about Indian Culture.  I have always found it so beautiful and interesting!  So much so that when I was getting married, apparently my bridesmaids even discussed throwing my bachelorette party as an Indian themed event.

So naturally this book JUMPED out at me.  I was so excited, it sounded fantastic!  All the makings of a great story AND it takes place in India???  Clearly this was the book for me.  Done.

Synopsis from Goodreads:

The British-born Punjabi Shergill sisters—Rajni, Jezmeen, and Shirina—were never close and barely got along growing up, and now as adults, have grown even further apart. Rajni, a school principal is a stickler for order. Jezmeen, a thirty-year-old struggling actress, fears her big break may never come. Shirina, the peacemaking “good” sister married into wealth and enjoys a picture-perfect life.

On her deathbed, their mother voices one last wish: that her daughters will make a pilgrimage together to the Golden Temple in Amritsar to carry out her final rites. After a trip to India with her mother long ago, Rajni vowed never to return. But she’s always been a dutiful daughter, and cannot, even now, refuse her mother’s request. Jezmeen has just been publicly fired from her television job, so the trip to India is a welcome break to help her pick up the pieces of her broken career. Shirina’s in-laws are pushing her to make a pivotal decision about her married life; time away will help her decide whether to meekly obey, or to bravely stand up for herself for the first time.

Arriving in India, these sisters will make unexpected discoveries about themselves, their mother, and their lives—and learn the real story behind the trip Rajni took with their Mother long ago—a momentous journey that resulted in Mum never being able to return to India again.

My Thoughts:

(Disclaimer: I will never post spoilers in my reviews HOWEVER the comment section is completely fair game to discuss any and all specifics including spoilers)

2 weeks ago I started to read it.  I read until page 133…and called it quits.

I liked it. I did.

The IDEA behind this book is so interesting but the execution was just so…not.

The characters were interesting, their stories were interesting, and the setting was interesting.  The problem?  Somehow all of these interesting pieces came together and I’m not sure how but…the finished product was actually pretty boring.

The author also kept alluding to situations where things happened in the past but didn’t describe them.  Obviously this is a tactic used to keep the reader interested in learning more as the story goes on but instead it just made me frustrated.

The main reason I stopped reading?  I found myself never wanting to pick this book up. I was doing everything else during those times when I usually love to read.

When catching up on my dvr suddenly appeals more to me than picking up a book, something isn’t right (although I do love me some Sister Wives and I Am Jazz)…

There are too many books out there to keep reading one that I’m not loving…so…I’m done.  Time to move on.

Bottom Line:

I DO think this book has serious potential to turn itself around…I’m just not willing to stick around to find out.

Which book should I read next to get me out of this book rut???  Comment below!!!  I need to read something awesome…thanks in advance 🙂  



Did you read this book?  What did you think?  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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I obviously don’t recommend this book…but if you want to see for yourself, I would appreciate you doing it through my link, lol 🙂

Click the image below to order the book through my Amazon affiliate link.  When you order through this link, I receive a tiny commission. Thank you for your support, Xo

The Currently Reading Book Tag

I first saw the “Currently Reading Book Tag” on Perfectly Tolerable and thought it would be fun to participate!  I always love seeing glimpses into the reading habits of others…here are some of mine:

The Currently Reading Book Tag

How Many Books Do You Usually Read At Once?

ONE.  How in the world do people read more than 1 book at a time???

How Do You Decide When To Switch Between Multiple Reads?

See above.

Do You Ever Switch Bookmarks Partway Through A Book?

This is what I do.  Every single time.  Yikes.

Where Do You Keep the Book(s) You’re Currently Reading?

Wherever I am…the book is.  Usually in my purse, my car, or on my nightstand. A friend once laughed at me as she was watching me unload groceries from my car and noticed I also unloaded a book. “You brought a book with you to the GROCERY STORE?” she asked. My response was, “I bring a book with me everywhere!”


What Time of Day Do You Read the Most?

My son’s afternoon nap time! 90 percent of my Instagram stories are shot while he’s sleeping, lol.

How Long Do You Typically Read in One Session?

Until a child wakes up, a child needs water, a child wants to cuddle, a child needs help….or….until I fall asleep.

Do You Read Hardbacks with the Dust Jacket Off?

Always!  Doesn’t everyone?

What Position Do You Mainly Use to Read?

Sitting behind the wheel of my (parked obvi) car while my son is napping in his car seat.

Do You Take Your Current Read with You Everywhere You Go?

Literally everywhere.  I RARELY leave the house without a book.  What if I suddenly find myself in a situation where I could enjoy a few chapters?  Always prepared. *See grocery store story above.*

What book(s) are you currently reading?

The Mother-In-Law By Sally Hepworth

I Tag:


Confessions of a YA Reader

The Red Hatter Book Blog

A Book.  A Thought.



I would love to hear your answers to these questions in the comments below! Do you have the same habits as I do?

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Click the image below to order the book through my Amazon affiliate link.  When you order through this link, I receive a tiny commission. Thank you for your support, Xo

Book Review: How To Find Love In A Bookshop {Veronica Henry}

This book was sitting on a shelf at the library with the front cover facing outward. I walked past, saw the title, and that alone was enough to make me want to read more! A title which contains both the words love AND bookshop?!  Sign me up!  I’d never heard of this book or of this author…but I was intrigued enough to take it home with me and I’m so glad that I did.  I read it and now I have so many thoughts.  There were definitely parts of it that I LOVED…aaaaaaaand then there were parts of it that I didn’t.

Synopsis from Goodreads:

The enchanting story of a bookshop, its grieving owner, a supportive literary community, and the extraordinary power of books to heal the heart

Nightingale Books, nestled on the main street in an idyllic little village, is a dream come true for book lovers–a cozy haven and welcoming getaway for the literary-minded locals. But owner Emilia Nightingale is struggling to keep the shop open after her beloved father’s death, and the temptation to sell is getting stronger. The property developers are circling, yet Emilia’s loyal customers have become like family, and she can’t imagine breaking the promise she made to her father to keep the store alive.

There’s Sarah, owner of the stately Peasebrook Manor, who has used the bookshop as an escape in the past few years, but it now seems there’s a very specific reason for all those frequent visits. Next is roguish Jackson, who, after making a complete mess of his marriage, now looks to Emilia for advice on books for the son he misses so much. And the forever shy Thomasina, who runs a pop-up restaurant for two in her tiny cottage–she has a crush on a man she met in the cookbook section, but can hardly dream of working up the courage to admit her true feelings.

Enter the world of Nightingale Books for a serving of romance, long-held secrets, and unexpected hopes for the future–and not just within the pages on the shelves. How to Find Love in a Bookshop is the delightful story of Emilia, the unforgettable cast of customers whose lives she has touched, and the books they all cherish.

My Thoughts:

(Disclaimer: I will never post spoilers in my reviews HOWEVER the comment section is completely fair game to discuss any and all specifics including spoilers)

3.5 Stars

I’m conflicted with my review of this book.  I loved it…truly!  I thought it was sweet, charming, heartwarming, and lovely.

But I just never felt like picking it up to read it.  Ever.

In all fairness, I started reading this book as soon as I finished this one.  Now THAT book was one that I couldn’t put down and I read it over the course of a few days.  The genres of these 2 books are so completely different but it’s hard to dive right into a book like this one after just finishing a book like that one.  I usually love switching genres before starting a new read but I think this might have just been too great of a switch.  Does that make sense?  Has this ever happened to you?

Of course this lovely book wasn’t suspenseful…it wasn’t supposed to be!  But after just finishing one which quite literally had me on the edge of my seat, this one just felt…a bit…too calm.

The sheer amount of characters in this book were insane.  There were WAY too many characters, WAY too many story lines, and WAY too much jumping around from one to the other!  Just as I was really starting to fall into a story line, the story lines would change and honestly many of them were predictable and unrealistic.  I also didn’t love the endings of more than 1 story line.


Despite my issues with this book, it truly is a gem. It’s sweet, touching, and overall just lovely. I teared up quite a few times while reading!

Nightingale Books sounds so charming! If that store were in my neighborhood I would be in there everyday. If you are a book lover like I am, hearing all about Nightingale Books will be your favorite part of this book.  In fact, the entire town of Peasebrook sounds just lovely!  I Googled it and learned that it’s not a real town.  I wish it were, I would so love to visit such a cute and special little corner of the world. 🙂

If you are looking for an easy, lighthearted book…this is a good one!

I truly wonder if my review would have been different had I not just finished such an intense psychological thriller right before I picked this one up?

Bottom Line:

It’s got some issues…but overall I truly did enjoy it!  Also, any book which focuses on an charming independent bookstore is absolutely a book worth reading.



Did you read this book?  What did you think?  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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Click the image below to order the book through my Amazon affiliate link.  When you order through this link, I receive a tiny commission. Thank you for your support, Xo

100 Things I Love and 8 Ways You Can Support Book Coffee Happy

This is officially my 100th post! How have I written 100 posts on Book Coffee Happy?!?  This little blog has proven to be the most fun hobby I have ever had.  I have loved writing posts, reading amazing books, meeting lovely authors, and meeting/interacting with YOU!  In honor of my 100th post, I present you with 100 things (other than books) that I LOVE!


Dunkin’ Hot Coffee (all time favorite), Starbucks Chai Tea Latte, Joffrey’s/Dunkin’ Vanilla Iced Latte, Kona Coffee


Fun Fact: I pretty much hate watching movies.  I ALWAYS choose to watch tv or read a book over watching a movie! Serendipity is one of the only movies I could truly watch over and over (I saw it 10 times in the theater)!


INFINITY SCARVES, fuzzy boots, humongous sunglasses, yoga pants, crossbody purses, ankle boots

TV Shows

Anything reality (Bachelor, Bachelorette, Big Brother, etc.), The Office, Beverly Hills 90210 (original), Parks and Recreation, Friends, Shameless, Orange is the New Black, Schitt’s Creek, Sex and the City

TV Shows I Watch With My Kids

Kid’s Baking Championship, Full House, Fuller House, Sophia the First, Doc McStuffins


Mexico (over the past 2 years we have been to Cabo without our kids and Puerto Vallarta with our kids), Great Wolf Lodge (Wisconsin Dells is our favorite location), Jamaica (our honeymoon in 2010), Michigan (Saugatuck), San Diego (La Jolla), DISNEY WORLD!


HAMILTON, Evita, Aladdin, Bridges of Madison County, The Little Mermaid


CHINESE FOOD (Chicken in a Nest, pot stickers), bananas, lobster, purple grapes, pizza, tofu, salmon, scallops, tacos, pasta, cupcakes, eggs, cheese, Thai food (tofu pad thai, crab rangoon)

Best Things About Being a Mom

Watching them experience joy, hearing them say I love you, holding their hands, laughing with them. BREASTFEEDING (I nursed my daughter until she was 2.5 and my son until he was 2), Co-sleeping, cuddling, being called “Mommy”…and SO much more!  *My favorite parenting books can be found here*


PINK.  Obviously.  There are no other colors.

Posts I’ve written

Let’s Chat: When Did This Happen? More Importantly…WHY Did This Happen?

My Life: Our Perfect Getaway

4 Best Friends, 1 Alma Mater

SNOW, My Favorite Quote, and a Book Review: Little Fires Everywhere {Celeste Ng}

Birthday of a Book Blogger

Book Coffee Happy Now Has Over 300 Blog Followers/Subscribers!

My Favorite Books for Pregnancy/New Parents/Baby Shower GiftsGREETINGS FROM THE

POLAR VORTEX and a Book Review: The Light Between Oceans {M.L. Stedman}

My First VLOG! Book Review: Becoming {Michelle Obama}

Spring Break 2019 Book Recommendations {Book Coffee Happy}

A-Z Book Tag {AKA Random Facts About Myself as a Reader}

Walt Disney World Vacation Tips and Tricks VLOG!


BRITNEY SPEARS, Josh Groban, Andrea Bocelli


Coffee, Clinique Happy , libraries, bookstores, Little Trees New Car Smell


Bath and Body Works Winter Candy Apple, Yankee Candle Brandy Pear Tart

To Cook

Mozzarella Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf, Vegetable Lasagna, Spinach Stuffed Shells, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Whole Wheat Banana Muffins


Target, Homegoods, independent bookstores, Hobby Lobby

Chicago Restaurants

I lived downtown for 8 years (LOVED IT SO MUCH) and some of my favorite places to eat included: Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinders, Tiparos Thai, Pockets, Grand Lux Cafe, Lawrys, Pizanos Pizza, Tempo

And that makes 100!  Thank you for supporting my favorite hobby, Book Coffee Happy!

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I would be so thankful if you could do these things for me.  So many of you already do these things and I’m very thankful for your love and support 🙂 I have truly loved writing these 100 posts for you!  Best hobby ever!  Happy 100th post to ME!

**Check back here on Wednesday…I will be reviewing and giving away 6 COPIES of a beautiful book (open to US and International readers)!  I can’t wait to share this one with you!**

